① When we collect personal information from customers, we will inform them beforehand of the purposes for which the information will be used and will collect the information by an appropriate method.

② We utilize personal information only to achieve the purposes described below. We may utilize personal information for purposes other than the following only after obtaining the consent of the individuals beforehand:

  • - To respond to an inquiry made to us or communicate to the inquirer
  • - To communicate or provide information as to our operations or services
  • - To provide information to improve customer services or the quality of work operations
  • - To carry out other work operations concerning our services

③ When we entrust a third party outside our company with the processing, management, etc. of the personal information you provide to us, we will select an appropriate contractor and take necessary measures to make sure that our standards for utilization of personal information will be observed.

④ If you ask for disclosure, revision, disuse or other processing of the personal information you have provided to us, we will respond swiftly after going through the necessary procedure, such as verifying your identity in a prescribed manner. For more information about the procedure for disclosure etc.,
please refer to“Contact for inquiries concerning personal information” shown below.

⑤ When users visit the official website of our company or other website created by us, their personal information and behavior may be recorded through use of cookies or web access analytics.
Users may refuse the use of cookies for privacy protection reasons.
You can obtain more information from “Help” of your browser and change its settings to deactivate the transmission of cookies.

⑥ We will not disclose or provide your personal information to any third party without your prior consent unless we are legally required to do so. Only the minimum amount of personal information required to fulfill the legal purpose may be provided and the information will not be used except in the limited circumstances.

⑦ In the event of a leakage of personal information or other problem caused by us, we will take necessary measures in accordance with relevant law, for example by informing the affected customers, assuring safety for them, partially stopping our systems as the need arises, and making an announcement on our website to clarify facts.

⑧ We make sure that all employees and other individuals involved in the work operations of our company have a good understanding of these standards and improve our systems and measures on a continued basis to prevent leakages of personal information, hacking, etc.

⑨ We take appropriate measures and make continued improvements to our internal personal information management system in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations and rules concerning the protection of personal information, as well as our privacy policy.

Contact for inquiries concerning personal information:
E-Mail :

Contact Information

Head Office & Factory / OSAKA
