Tenter Clips & Chains

  • World’s top ranked performance and market share
  • Trusted experience and expertise in various types including high speed, high temperature, optical types, etc.!
  • Comprehensive manufacturer in design, modification and maintenance!

Accurate chucking and smooth movement

Accurate chucking and smooth movement, which are most important for clips & chains, are provided by designing the clips & chains according to the customer’s film.

Extension of clip chain’s life
and maintenance cycle

The life of clips & chains and maintenance cycle are extended by using the industry’s most advanced design and precision machining technology.


Supports harsh operating conditions

We have proven experience in clips & chains used in production lines with high temperatures of 400 °C and high speeds of 500 m/min or more.

Experience in solving various issues

SHINKO has solutions for issues related to clips & chains such as scattering of oil on the film, short maintenance frequency, adhesion of oligomer and chucking problems.

01Manufacturing example

Bearing type

5 bearings type

9 bearings type

Sliding type

Metal sliding

Resin sliding

Flap reversing type

Closed position

Reversed position

Clean room type

Contact Information

Head Office & Factory / OSAKA
